Airplane Owners and Horse Traders

There have been few times in my life when I felt alive and vibrant- a happy piece in the puzzle of this big universe. When I say times I don’t mean a day or two here and there, I mean a path, a course, a direction that I have pursued where doubt is not part of the equation, where uncertainty has been cast aside.

I wish to live breathlessly, be a part of something really wonderful, to live in constant amazement.  I don’t want reality to dictate otherwise, but my rational mind says, ‘okay you will have those moments, but mostly you will have days, weeks, months, years of prudent and persistent living.’

So while I know reality I can still wish for something more…  at the same time staying grounded, truthful, and authentic.

Anyway,  here’s the trouble I got into when I tried to change things up and pursue a new and different course.

I’m probably the only guy on the planet that would buy a beat up, timed out, old airplane based on this assessment from the owner Bill Helber after using ether to start it and a 7 minute flight around the pattern at LGU (Logan), ‘ see… it flies’.  It sort of reminds me of the one-eyed roping horse I bought back in ’92’ because ‘it puts you spot on’, but I’ll save that story for another day.


Anyway, airplane owners are kind of like horse traders. They have no conscience.



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